Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

Record in other communitiesUnknown

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper Unknown

Pro-record LoHoX - 07:51.92

Nub-record hzrem - 08:00.15 (163 cp / 31 gc)

Difficulty Unknown

Length Unknown

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We haven't screenshots of this map
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

At the moment we do not accept record-demos of this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 LoHoX 10aa 07:51.92 13.11.19
2 10aa 09:45.44 24.08.18
3 kykrus 10aa 10:18.90 12.06.18
4  10aa 11:07.74 19.09.20
5 lxr 10aa 11:19.27 10.06.18
6 DragKedja 10aa 13:59.49 25.03.19
7 VITALIK2005 10aa 14:20.09 24.08.18
8 DarklifedudePlayz(YT) 10aa 15:23.67 10.09.18
9 Dude 10aa 18:07.69 07.12.19
10 LJЛБАЕБ 10aa 24:18.21 19.08.18
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 hzrem 10aa 08:00.15 10.02.20 163 31
2 kykrus 10aa 08:16.77 12.06.18 225 30
3 메메차팟 10aa 10:25.60 19.09.20 191 40
4 MUFFIN TIME! 10aa 10:52.78 06.08.19 204 44
5 bap` 10aa 11:23.17 03.09.19 187 40
6 Kunabe 10aa 11:59.97 07.06.20 113 61
7 ElKanko 10aa 12:16.63 15.07.18 231 47
8 😘☭MrDiDok☭😘 10aa 12:18.18 07.05.20 218 46
9 kusti420 10aa 12:21.14 24.08.20 233 60
10 10aa 12:24.89 06.08.18 158 65
11 Познакомимся? “c 10aa 12:43.18 07.05.20 291 61
12 DarklifedudePlayz(YT) 10aa 13:25.03 28.08.18 63 29
13 annoying toxic cunt 10aa 13:28.17 15.07.18 228 82
14 Ben 10aa 14:52.76 09.10.20 80 60
15 Golden November 10aa 15:18.56 10.06.18 215 76
16 Dazern 10aa 15:19.71 22.10.20 85 68
17 Rrahesmsoq39sodmosl 10aa 15:57.32 24.08.20 244 66
18 Cicikıç 10aa 16:06.20 06.12.19 274 86
19 BADSIN 10aa 17:31.98 16.04.20 223 82
20 ❊WisP Λ 10aa 17:33.10 18.04.20 248 62
21 phuplayboy1234 10aa 17:48.39 24.08.20 167 109
22 ?_B-L-4-N-K_? 10aa 19:00.25 03.01.20 116 62
23 K1LL 10aa 19:07.13 08.12.20 274 101
24 Zombievex 10aa 19:31.21 26.11.20 188 103
25 Axe 10aa 19:49.01 25.03.19 173 108
26 ‾ɔɔnp 10aa 20:08.80 26.11.20 100 97
27 БОДЯНЫЧ 10aa 20:11.59 08.12.20 279 172
28 SmileDog 10aa 22:19.35 07.06.20 246 80
29 Madlad1 10aa 24:37.72 20.11.20 163 100
30 Twisted 10aa 24:40.28 10.06.18 115 213
31 Stupid Eye 10aa 26:45.32 05.11.19 233 211
32 MMGAME 10aa 28:09.87 05.11.19 245 334
33 dukemirage 10aa 29:57.23 22.11.19 179 107
34 Tito1502 10aa 30:18.12 24.08.18 81 175
35 Ludicium 10aa 34:16.73 24.10.20 235 107
36 MR.STEAL.YO.GIRL 10aa 36:07.33 14.07.19 154 171
37 Eric Devito 10aa 41:23.40 24.10.20 227 132
38 oam511 10aa 66:36.05 10.09.18 248 547